Exploring Voice Search, SEO and Voice Search Marketing

The growing popularity of voice search on mobile and other devices has had a profound impact on the way users search and interact with information. As we witness the rise of virtual assistants and smart speakers, it becomes imperative for businesses and marketers to adapt their voice search SEO strategies to meet the needs of modern users . This blog unravels and explores the ways in which voice search is set to change the landscape of SEO and marketing.

27% of the global online population is using voice search on mobile. (thinkwithgoogle)

Adapting to Conversational Keywords

From Keywords to Conversations

With voice search, users are more inclined to articulate queries in a conversational manner opposed to how they would normally type for a similar search. Traditional keyword-centric strategies are evolving to embrace the nuances of natural language, ushering in a new era where content optimisation revolves around conversational keywords that suit modern day language styles and preferences.


Here’s an example: A user wants to find out what the top restaurants in London are.

Text Based Search

"Top restaurants London"

Voice Search

"What are the best restaurants to go to in London?"

Long-Tail Keywords Gain Prominence

Long-tail keywords, characterised by their specificity and alignment with natural language, are gaining prominence in the voice search landscape. Businesses must adapt and tailor their voice search SEO strategies and efforts to accommodate these longer, more detailed phrases that mirror the way users naturally speak. This is becoming increasingly popular within the tourism industry amongst others with searches both globally and locally showing an increase in long tail keywords and phrases which mirror natural language and common questions. 


Local SEO Optimisation Taking Centre Stage

Local Search

Voice search often revolves around local queries and searches, emphasising the significance of local SEO optimisation. Businesses must focus on enhancing their online presence at the local level first to ensure visibility when users inquire about nearby services or products using voice commands and conversational based search terms.

"Near Me" Searches

The rise in frequency of “near me” searches through voice commands has prompted organisations to take a strategic approach to local SEO and voice search optimisation. Optimal business listings, localised content, and geo-targeted marketing strategies become essential components in catering to users seeking immediate, local solutions.

Searches for “shopping near me” have grown over 200% in the past two years.(themediacaptain)

The Rise of Featured Snippets and Position Zero

Position Zero Pre-eminence

Voice assistants frequently pull information from featured snippets, often referred to as Position Zero in search results across popular search engines like Google and Bing. Optimising your content and voice search strategy for featured snippets becomes paramount to gain visibility amongst voice search users, as these concise snippets are more likely to be read aloud as answers to voice queries through the use of assistants such as Alexa and Siri.

Structured Data Markup

Structured data markup becomes a crucial tool in any modern SEO strategy for voice search and beyond. Marking up content to provide clear and structured information to search engines and virtual assistants aids search engines in understanding and delivering relevant responses to voice queries, helping to earn you visibility across voice related searches terms.

Mobile Optimisation for Voice Search


The surge in voice search frequency is inherently linked to the use of mobile devices and smart devices such as watches and headphones. A mobile-first approach is indispensable for modern businesses operating online, ensuring that websites are not only visually appealing but also optimised for voice-activated searches, providing a seamless experience for mobile users.

Page Loading Speed Matters

Everyone has and always will hate a slow loading website or app, and with modern day internet speeds ever increasing the need to have responsive systems is crucial to winning business and outperforming your competitors. The immediacy associated with voice search demands swift access to information. Page loading speed becomes a critical factor in optimising your websites, apps and content for voice search, with faster-loading pages likely to be favored by both users and search algorithms.

Adapting Content Strategies for Voice Search

Creating Conversational Content

Content creators and organisations alike must pivot toward creating conversational and informative content which appeals to search commands and prompts. The narrative style should align with how users naturally ask questions verbally, addressing their needs with clarity and conciseness to the question they have asked.

FAQ Pages and Voice Search

Building comprehensive and expansive FAQ pages becomes instrumental in catering to voice searches in modern SEO. Anticipating user queries and providing succinct answers not only enhances the user experience but also increases the likelihood of being featured as a voice search result gaining you the top spot across a variety of different voice searches.

The Role of Voice Search in Marketing

Conversational Advertising

As voice search promotes conversational interactions, marketing strategies must also incorporate conversational advertising into their strategy, branding and promotions. Brands should tailor their messaging to resonate with users engaging in voice-driven conversations with virtual assistants and other smart devices and apps capable of voice search.

Voice-Activated Devices

Marketers can explore the opportunities available through voice search to engage users through voice-activated devices. This includes developing branded skills or actions for virtual assistants, creating interactive and immersive experiences that align with users’ voice-driven interactions and commands.

Adapting to the Auditory Revolution

In conclusion, the rise of voice search is not merely a technological trend which will come to pass but a transformative force reshaping the landscape of modern SEO and search marketing. Businesses and marketers alike must embrace this auditory revolution, recalibrating marketing and SEO strategies to align with the conversational nature of voice queries.

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