8 Snapchat Marketing Tactics to Help Drive Your Business Forward

Social media platforms are cost effective ways to drive businesses success in the modern world. Popular social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are often considered as the dominant players in the market, but people often overlook Snapchat, potentially because of its setup, which is a lot like TikTok in the sense that it is a very visual platform rather than text heavy, and here lies the misconception that these apps are for entertainment purposes only.

Snapchat is available in 37 languages, has 375 million daily registered users worldwide and more than 107 million registered users in the United States and 23.5 million registered users in the United Kingdom.


Why is Snapchat marketing important for businesses?

For small and medium businesses, the unique features and engaged user base that Snapchat provides can prove to be invaluable for business owners trying to gain a foothold in the market. SnapChat has fast become one of the most popular social media platforms which allows brands to engage with their audience in a unique way. Running your marketing activities across this platform is crucial, but only by tracking your performance, or analysing how your target audience behaves, can you better market your products and create deeper connections with your audience, and ultimately drive growth and success in today’s competitive market.

Did you know? – Snapchat is an ideal social media platform for the younger demographic. In fact, more than one-half of Snapchat’s registered users are 24 years of age or younger, with 23 percent being between 24 and 35 years old, meaning if you are wanting to attract a younger audience, you are more likely to have success on Snapchat than other social media sites.

Check out our 8 steps for more information on how to make your business grow!


8 Tactics to Help Drive Your Small Business Forward on SnapChat

1. Create Engaging Snapchat Stories

Stories can be used for behind-the-scenes footage, sharing of customer testimonials or simply highlighting what is going on in your company’s daily activities. This is done best when you mix different types of content such as photos, videos and text overlays as this will keep your audience more engaged and help to diversify your content. A great start would be to begin creating a check-in with your followers, an interesting poll or a simple greeting.

2. Offer Exclusive Discounts and Promotions

When it comes to your followers, it doesn’t hurt to treat them to exclusive discounts and promotions every now and then. This way you can give something back to your followers for their loyalty and also make them feel appreciated! You can use Snapchat to announce flash sales, offer limited-time discounts or give sneak peeks of upcoming new products or services. The use of collection ads for example, could be used to show the different promotions on offer to your audience, with exclusive discounts that can be accessed.

Taco Bell recently created the most popular Snapchat campaign to date by creating a Snapchat lens for Cinco de Mayo that turned people’s heads into folded tacos. While it may sound silly, it generated 224 million views in a single day.

3. Partner with Influencers

Influencer marketing on Snapchat can be highly effective in reaching your target audience. Find influencers whose values align with your brand and whose followers match your target demographic. Collaborate with them to create sponsored content that feels authentic and resonates with your audience. This can help increase brand awareness and credibility among your target market.

This is something that may not be possible right away. Spending on the influencer you are trying to partner with can be expensive, particularly with high profile influencers. Partnering with an influencer with a considerable following, whose values also align with your brand will allow you to reach a larger target audience and convert more users. Their followers will be more likely to resonate with your marketing activities and therefore are more likely to interact with your brand in a positive way.


4. Host Takeovers

Hosting takeovers on your Snapchat account can inject fresh content to promote your brand, keeping your audience engaged and excited. Invite influencers, employees, or brand ambassadors to take over your Snapchat account for a day and share their experiences with your audience. This not only provides variety but also allows your audience to connect with different personalities associated with your brand.

Interestingly – Gucci did this well a few years ago, when the Singer Florence Welch had agreed to become brand ambassador, Gucci requested a takeover from model Alexa Chung to break the news with awesome results.

5. Utilise Geofilters and Lenses

If you are planning on creating an event or you want people to engage with your audience in a specific location or area, you could use Geofilters or Lenses to achieve this. Geofilters are photo overlays that go over the top of the pictures and videos on Snapchat. Lenses are also used while creating a snap and can add 3D effects as well as characters and transformations.

The benefits of a Geofilter would be that people within a certain radius would be able to access this filter and thus hear about a product or event you are selling. Using these geofilters also allows users to generate content in a particular area and boost your marketing reach through user generated content. 

Before we continue with our list, we’ve also included a list of some interesting Snapchat statistics, take a look!

  • Over $1 Million is paid daily to Top-Performing Spotlight Snaps
  • Over 750 Million Monthly Active Users Worldwide
  • 9th Most Popular Social Media Platform Worldwide
  • Average of 5+ Billion Snaps Are Created Daily
  • Users Spend About 30 Minutes on Snapchat Per Day on Average


6. Utilise Snap Ads

This is one of the more popular options for small to medium businesses trying to gain traction and visibility amongst a crowded marketplace. You can invest in Snap Ads and you will then be able to reach a specific audience, whether this be to drive website visits, app installations or video views, campaigns can be tailored so that businesses can convert users across Snapchat. Businesses must ensure their advertisements are clear with concise messaging, in order to increase their conversion rates and retrieve ROI from their advertising efforts. The use of ads can be a great way to target the audience you want, and enhance your market reach, visibility and awareness significantly.

7. Engage with Your Audience

Actively engage with your audience, because if you don’t, you could find your business account dead and lifeless! This could be achieved through responding to messages, comments or snaps from your followers, posting engaging content like polls and stories or creating regular uploads to keep you front of mind. Doing this not only builds a relationship with your audience, but it also shows appreciation as you are giving that little bit of time to engage with your followers personally. A popular page will usually respond to comments and engage in debates and discussions for example.


8. Track and Analyse Your Performance

Last but certainly not least, is the ability to track and measure the effectiveness of your Snapchat marketing efforts. Tracking and analysing your performance is important, after all, how will you accurately know what marketing tactics work for you and your business? You may have an idea of your performance, just from the engagement that you receive, but actual statistics such as views and conversion rates will  illustrate this and enable your business to identify key activities that work. Snapchat provides a range of useful analytics and insights into your business accounts performance, including paid and organic statistics.

Snapchat offers a unique and valuable platform for small businesses and large scale enterprises to connect with their audiences, build brand awareness, and drive sales. By implementing these Snapchat marketing tactics, you can effectively leverage the platform to propel your business forward in today’s competitive market.

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