Five ways to maximise your LinkedIn marketing activity

Marketing your business on LinkedIn can be a highly effective strategy due to its professional user base and robust advertising tools. Here are five key strategies to maximise your LinkedIn marketing efforts:

Imagine tapping into a network that reaches 14.6% of the world's population. LinkedIn advertising does exactly that, offering access to over 1 billion professionals. -

1. Optimise Your Company Page

Whilst this may sound like common sense, you would be surprised at how many companies do not do this. Always ensure that the company page is complete with a compelling business description. This is a great chance to also highlight the products and services you offer. Perhaps you have a new service or a product that has just been released, put this on the company page so that it attracts the maximum amount of attention.

Look below at a list of ways you can optimise and grow your page:

  1. Upload a great profile image and banner
  2. Write a compelling “About Us” section and include relevant keywords
  3. Post to your Company Page regularly
  4. Grow your audience
  5. Build a Career Page
  6. Build a Product/Service Page
  7. Keep up to date on the LinkedIn algorithm
  8. Answer all comments and DMs
  9. Host a virtual event

2. Leverage LinkedIn Advertising

There are various advertising options that you can use to further market your content across LinkedIn, such as Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail, and Text Ads.

Sponsored Content allows you to promote posts and other media into users’ feeds to gain maximum visibility. Sponsored InMail lets you send personalised messages directly to users’ inboxes. For example, many B2B brands highlight research or key insights that users can access via promoted document ads or carousel ads to generate leads.

3. Create and Share Engaging Content

Content is king on LinkedIn. Share valuable and relevant content, such as blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos, that resonate with your target audience.

Infographics will definitely boost your page visibility and reach due to its visual and informative layout. Video content is also continuing to grow in popularity, which has urged brands to create different types of video content which is easy to digest and share.

4. Build a Network and Engage with Your Audience

If there is one thing that LinkedIn is renowned for, it is the ability to build a network with like minded professionals and associates! This is one of the key strengths that LinkedIn holds over other social media sites, being in the business space and being able to connect with people on a professional level opposed to socially.

Whether you use the networking opportunities to learn or collaborate, be sure to make the most of these opportunities. You can even personalise your connection requests in order to stand out from other requests if the particular network/company is of high demand.

5. Use LinkedIn Analytics to Measure Success

There are two main ways to track metrics using LinkedIn analytics:

1. LinkedIn’s built-in analytics tools.
2. Third-party tools, like Hootsuite’s LinkedIn analytics product.

The route you take depends on your social media marketing strategy and what you want to track. Let’s look at each option in more detail.

Regularly monitor LinkedIn Analytics to track the performance of your posts and ads. Analyse metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and follower growth to understand what content resonates with your audience the most. Use these insights to refine your marketing strategy and improve your results over time.

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