Top 5 Emerging eCommerce Trends of 2022

Things are ever changing in the e-commerce space and staying on top of the emerging trends can be difficult. We looked at the top emerging trends of 2022 so far and chose the top five we think have the most impact on the market both now and in the near future. In no particular order…

Voice Search

Rather than using a desktop or a mobile device, it is expected that there will be a shift in the way consumers make their purchases.

Currently the most traditional way to search is by using search engines and functionality, however with voice search attempting to take its place it could open up the options of how and where you can navigate your way through a page. A lot of websites are currently adding speech recognition capabilities within their websites making it much more accessible to all their users. Voice Search would also create a more inclusion atmosphere for individual users who may find it difficult to use a keyboard and mouse.

With Google’s Voice assistant and Amazon’s Alexa on the rise it is likely that consumers will have a much more effective and efficient way of shopping simply by using their voice.

It is estimated that by 2025, 75% of US households will have a smart speaker in their home. (

Faster/Premium Shipping Options

One of the biggest reasons eCommerce shopping is so beneficial for consumers is because of its convenience, therefore for most consumers, the faster you can ship, the more satisfied the customer is. It can even be beneficial to add ‘paid-shipping’ as an option as some consumers will want their product within 1-2 days.

Amazon does a great job with this by using ‘Amazon Prime’. This is a programme created so consumers have the option to get their product faster provided they are willing to pay an additional monthly subscription.

More Payment Options

Most eCommerce brands have multiple payment options at this point, however there can never be too many options. With an ever expanding variety of ways to make a payment, the easier consumers can buy things, the more likely they are to make a purchase.

One of the newer ways to make a payment can be done via cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can be used to make international purchases and can potentially expand your customer base world wide.

It has now become even easier than ever before to offer customers a means to purchase items from their e-commerce store without needing to pay for the entire cost upfront. Payment solutions like Klarna are fast becoming a popular payment option for many looking to split the cost of online purchases by being able to pay monthly for your product with little to no extra cost.

Here are a few different payment options you might like to consider;

  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • Electronic check transactions
  • Transactions through platforms (PayPal)
  • Cryptocurrencies


One of the biggest issues today is being environmentally friendly and this is no different in the eCommerce world. There are many different ways brands can do their part to sustain the future, here are a few ways to help create a sustainable eCommerce business;

  • Making packaging with sustainable, recyclable materials like paper instead of plastics
  • Donating to eco friendly organizations/charities
  • Don’t offer free shipping


Consumers have become a lot more conscious about the environment, not only is this better for the planet, it is what your customers want. A study reveals the customer responses when a company supports environmental issues claims that 63% of Americans are hopeful businesses will take lead to drive social and environmental change moving forward, in the absence of government regulation.

Drone Delivery

Although drone delivery has not been rolled out on a large enough scale to know if it’s sustainable for the long term, the drone market generally is set to be worth $1.2 Billion in 2022.

One of the biggest contributors for packages not making their final destination is traffic, by using a drone this will not only make this issue obsolete, but it will also reduce the amount of traffic on the road for the community.

It is estimated that 80% of all Amazon packages are currently suitable for drone delivery.

To make drone delivery successful, it is important to lower the cost per delivery down to an estimated $1 per delivery, this will ensure that drone delivery will be far more affordable than any other traditional transportation method.

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